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Z variable values for MediaMogul Plug-Ins

Many MediaMogul Plug-Ins use the Z variable for internal messaging, error reporting, and control values.  Often you can set the Z variable to a specific value causing the plug-in to react.  Frequently you can monitor the value of the Z variable for errors reported by the plug-in, or for results placed there by the plug-in. Following is a numerically ordered list of the values of the Z variable and their purpose.  Functions marked with an * are error values placed in the Z variable by the module.

Z variable functions for MediaMogul Plug-Ins
Value Module Function
10 - 15 String Variables
10 cdi_sv Quit, dump data module, and free memory
30 - 39 General Errors
30 ANY *Attempt to access a file on a player with no floppy
31 ANY *Attempt to read/write a file that isn't open yet
32 ANY *Attempt to read past end of file
33 ANY *Open request for file already open
40 - 49 Screen Dimmer
40 cdi_dimr Quit and free memory
60 - 69 File Access
60 cdi_flen Quit and free memory
61 cdi_flen *Can't open any more files
80 - 89 Constrained Cursor
80 cdi_cnsm Quit and free memory
87 cdi_cnsm Return to default constrain area
90 - 109 Pop-up Menu
90 cdi_popm Quit and free memory
91 cdi_popm Disable pop-up menu plug-in (sleep)
92 cdi_popm Wake up pop-up menu plug-in
93 cdi_popm Return to default script names
94 cdi_popm Wake up and scroll up the pop-up (display pop-up)
95 cdi_popm Scroll down the pop-up (no sleep) (hide pop-up)
96 cdi_popm Lock menu to avoid branches (lock user branching)
97 cdi_popm Unlock menu to allow branches (unlock user branching)
98 cdi_popm Change pop-up menu images/menus (prepare for new images and menus)
99 cdi_popm Turn on pop-up menu pause on activate
100 cdi_popm Turn off pop-up menu pause on activated
200 - 299 OS-9 Error Codes
203 OS-9 *Illegal mode. Attempt to write to a fileoned for READ or write to a file opened for WRITE
216 OS-9 *File not found
235 OS-9 *Bad file name
242 OS-9 *Device write protected
245 OS-9 *Write error. Device probably full
246 OS-9 *No diskette, or hard drive not ready
247 OS-9 *Device not correct (specified) format
248 OS-9 *Device full
249 OS-9 *Wrong format on disk
500 - 519 Digital Video
500 cdi_dvpl *No digital video card present
501 cdi_dvpl *Player does not have super-impose
502 cdi_dvpl *cdi_dvpl is active
520 - 529 Signal Manager
520 cdi_sgmn Quit and free memory
540 - 549 Bar Code/Magnetic Stripe
540 cdi_bar Scan received
541 cdi_bar Quit and free memory
542 cdi_bar Done with scan
542 cdi_mag Flush port
543 cdi_bar *Communications error
543 cdi_mag *Synchronous Cmd retrying
544 cdi-bar *Read error
544 cdi_mag *Synchronous Cmd failed
545 cdi_bar Flush port
545 cdi_mag Scan received
546 cdi_mag Quit and free memory
547 cdi_mag Done with scan
548 cdi_mag *Communications error
549 cdi_mag *Read error
550 - 569 Printer Manager
550 cdi_prmn Parameters parsed OK
551 cdi_prmn Target and port opened OK
552 cdi_prmn Target and include files read into buffers
553 cdi_prmn *General error
554 cdi_prmn *Parameter or option error
555 cdi_prmn *Error during read of a source file
556 cdi_prmn *Error during write to port
557 cdi_prmn *Can't open target file
558 cdi_prmn *Can't open port
559 cdi_prmn *Port has become inactive
560 cdi_prmn All data sent to printer
561 cdi_prmn Abandon print job
570 - 579 Dynamic Hotspots
570 cdi_dyhs Quit and free memory
660 - 669 Keyboard
660 cdi_vki Quit and free memory
661 cdi_vki Enable key sequence actions
662 cdi_vki Disable key sequence actions
1500 - 1549 Test Engine Used only for internal communication. Should NOT be set directly by the user.
1500 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Quit and free memory
1501 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Load a new section
1502 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Ask next question
1503 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Get response
1504 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Ask last question again
1505 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Ask random next question
1506 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Shuffle question order
1507 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Set number next question to ask
1508 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Set number tries per question
1509 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Use soundex in checking answer
1510 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd No soundex in checking answer
1511 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd First string variable to export to
1512 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Times included exported
1513 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd No times included exported
1514 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Export information for question (question number)
1515 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Export information for question (first response)
1516 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Export information for question (second response)
1517 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Export information for question (last response)
1518 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Export number correct
1519 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Export number incorrect
1520 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Turn debugging on
1546 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Waiting for a response
1547 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Branching to the next question
1548 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Executing a command
1549 cdi_teng/cdi_tecd Waiting for another command

NOTE:Some of the values for the MediaMogul Z variable are not documented in the manuals for specific Plug-Ins. They are included for information purposes only. Use of these is not supported. Additionally, some of the values are used for communications between Plug-In modules and should NOT be set by the user.

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