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OS9 Error Messages

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OS9 Errors -- Full Listing

Process has aborted
000:002 S$Abort signal Keyboard quit (^E) typed
000:003 S$lntrptsignal Keyboard interrupt (^C) typed
000:004 S$HangUp signal Modem hangup
000:064 E$IIIFnc Illegal function code (usually math)
000:065 E$FmtErr ASCII to numeric format conversion error(math)
000:066 E$NotNum Number not found (math)
000:067 E$IIIArg Illegal argument (usually math)
000:102 E$BusErr A bus trap error occurred
000:103 E$AdrErr An address trap error occurred
000:104 E$llllns An illegal instruction exception occurred
000:105 E$ZerDiv An integer zero divide exception occurred
000:106 E$Chk A chk or chk2 instruction trap occurred
000:107 E$TrapV A trapv, trapcc, or ftrapcc instruction occurred
000:108 E$Violat A privileged instruction violation occurred
000:109 E$Trace An uninitialized Trace exception occurred.
000:110 E$1010 A 1010 instruction exception occurred
000:111 E$1111 A 1111 instruction exception occurred
000:112 E$Resrvd An invalid exception occurred
Coprocessor protocol violation
System stack frame format error
An uninitialized interrupt occurred
000:116 - 000:123
An invalid exception occurred
Spurious interrupt occurred
000:133 E$Trap An uninitialized user TRAP (1-15) was executed
000:148 E$FPUnordC Floating point unordered condition
000:149 E$FPlnxact Floating point inexact result
000:150 E$FPDivZer Floating point divide by zero
000:151 E$FPUndrFI Floating point underflow
000:152 E$FPOprErr Floating point operand error
000:153 E$FPOverFI Floating point overflow
000:154 E$FPNotNum Floating point not a number
000:155 E$FPUnData Floating point unimplemented data type
000:156 PMMU configuration exception
000:157 PMMU illegal operation exception
000:158 PMMU access level violation exception
000:159 - 000:163
An invalid exception occurred
000:164 E$Permit No permission
000:165 E$Differ The arguments to F$ChkNam do not match
000:166 E$StkOvf System stack overflow
000:167 E$EvntlD Invalid/illegal event ID no. specified
000:168 E$EvNF Event name not found
000:169 E$EvBusy The event is busy and cannot be deleted
000:170 E$EvParm Impossible event parameters supplied
000:171 E$Damage System data structures have been damaged
000:172 E$BadRev Module revision is not compatible with operating system
000:173 E$PthLost Path was lost because network node was down
000:174 E$BadPart Bad (disk) partition data, or no active partition
000:175 E$Hardware Hardware damage has been detected
000:176 E$SectSize Invalid sector size
000:200 E$PthFul The user's (or system) path table is full
000:201 E$BPNum Bad path number
000:202 E$Poll The system IRQ table is full
000:203 E$BMode Bad I/O mode
000:204 E$DevOvf The system's device table is full
000:205 E$BMID Bad module ID
000:206 E$DirFul The module directory is full
000:207 E$MemFul Memory full
000:208 E$UnkSvc Unknown service code
000:209 E$ModBsy The module is busy
000:210 E$BPAddr Bad page address
000:211 E$EOF The end of file has been reached
000:212 E$VctBsy IRQ vector is busy
000:213 E$NES Non-existing segment
000:214 E$FNA File not accessible
000:215 E$BPNam Bad pathlist specified
000:216 E$PNNF File not found
000:217 E$SLF File segment list is full
000:218 E$CEF Tried to create a file that already exists
000:219 E$IBA Illegal memory block specified
000:220 E$HangUp Telephone (modem) connection terminated
000:221 E$MNF Module not found
000:222 E$NoClk No system clock
000:223 E$DelSP Deleting stack memory lllegal process
000:224 E$IPrclD Illegal Process ID
000:225 E$Param Bad parameter
000:226 E$NoChld No children
000:227 E$ITrap Invalid trap number
000:228 E$PrcAbt The process has been aborted
000:229 E$PrcFul Too many active processes
000:230 E$IForkP Illegal fork parameter (not currently used)
000:231 E$KwnMod Known module
000:232 E$BMCRC Bad module CRC
000:233 E$Signal Signal error (not currently used)
000:234 E$NEMod Non executable module
000:235 E$BNam Bad name
000:236 E$BMHP Bad module header parity
000:237 E$NoRAM No RAM available
000:238 E$DNE The directory is not empty
000:239 E$NoTask No available task number
000:240 E$Unit Illegal unit (drive) number
000:241 E$Sect Bad disk sector number
000:242 E$WP Media is write protected
000:243 E$CRC Bad module cyclic redundancy check value
000:244 E$Read Read error
000:245 E$Write Write error
000:246 E$NotRdy Device not ready
000:247 E$Seek Seek error
000:248 E$Full Media full
000:249 E$BTyp Bad type (incompatible media)
000:250 E$DevBsy Device busy
000:251 E$DIDC Disk ID change
000:252 E$Lock Record is busy
000:253 E$Share Non-sharable file/device is busy
000:254 E$DeadLk I/O deadlock error
000:255 E$Format Device is format protected
001:000 ERANGE ANSI C number out of range
006:000 E$IIIPrm Illegal parameter
006:001 E$ldFull Identifier (ID) table full
006:002 E$BadSiz Bad size error
006:003 E$RgFull Region definition full (overflow)
006:004 E$UnlD Unallocated identifer number
006:005 E$NullRg Null region
006:006 E$BadMod Bad drawmap/pattern mode
006:007 E$NoFont No active font
006:008 E$NoDM No drawmap
006:009 E$NoPlay No audio play in progress
006:010 E$Abort Asynchronous operation aborted
006:011 E$aFull Audio queue is full
006:012 E$Busy Audio processor is busy
007:001 EWOULDBLOCK I/O operation would block
007:002 EINPROGRESS I/O operation now in progress
007:003 EALREADY Operation already in progress
007:004 EDESTADDRREQ Destination address required
007:005 EMSGSIZE Message too long
007:006 EPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for socket
007:007 ENOPROTOOPT Bad protocol option
007:008 EPROTONOSUPPORT Protocol not supported
007:009 ESOCKNOSUPPORT Socket type not supported
007:010 EOPNOTSUPP Operation unsupported on socket
007:011 EPFNOSUPPORT Protocol family not supported
007:012 EAFNOSUPPORT Addr family unsupported by protocol
007:013 EADDRINUSE Address already in use
007:014 EADDRNOTAVAIL Cannot assign requested address
007:015 ENETDOWN Network is down
007:016 ENETUNREACH Network is unreachable
007:017 ENETRESET Network lost connection on reset
007:018 ECONNABORTED Software caused connection abort
007:019 ECONNRESET Connection reset by peer
007:020 ENOBUFS No buffer space available
007:021 EISCONN Socket is already connected
007:022 ENOTCONN Socket is not connected
007:023 ESHUTDOWN Cannot send after socket shutdown
007:024 ETOOMANYREFS Too many references
007:025 ETIMEDOUT Connection timed out
007:026 ECONNREFUSED Connection refused by target
007:027 EBUFTOOSMALL Buffer too small for F$MBuf operation
007:028 ESMODEXISTS Socket module already attached
007:029 ENOTSOCK Path is not a socket

This listing reprinted courtesy Microware Systems Corporation.

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