This message is can alos be downloaded as: readme.1 Installing descriptor to read a PC Syquest Cart. at SCSI ID3: 1.) download the file pch3.tar 2.) copy that file to a LOW DENSITY PC Floppy, so the 605 can read it. 3.) From CD-RTOS type: chd /pcd0 tar -xvf pch3.tar Two files will be extracted: /h0/CMDS/BOOTOBJS/pch3_ /h0/Start_Application The first file is the descriptor for SCSI ID 3, the second is a modified startup script so pch3_ is loaded and usable whenever you use MediaMogul, or the CD-RTOS shell. 4.) Put a PC formatted Syquest cart. in the drive (the drive is set for SCSI ID#3), and type: dir /pch3_ at the CD-RTOS prompt. A directory of the cart. should follow. The cart. can now be referred to as /pch1_ (SCSI ID#1) or /pch3_ (SCSI ID#3). This update was done to allow MacRead users with the drive set for SCSI ID#3, also read PC cart., without changing the drive ID back to #1.