Model 350 Portable CD-i Player & Speaker Interference

October 1995,

It is confirmed that the internal speaker to the 350 portable causes mechanical resonance, disturbing the laser mechanism. Lockups or player resets during playback - especially during playback of DV - are common. The laser mechanisnm is particularly sensitive to frequencies in the voice range (500 Hz - 3 KHz) and when the volume is at normal volumes (65dB SPL) or higher.

The problem can be worked around by disabling the internal speaker, by plugging in headphones or a dummy plug (or external powered speaker) to the headphone jack. Lowering the volume will also help.

January 1996,

Philips now has re-engineered spindle mechanisms available for the 350 portable. Contact the vendor you purchased the player from, or contact the nearest Philips or Philips Key Modules repair facility.

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