CD-i Player Manuals

Note: Manuals for ALL Philips CD-i player models should be available from Philips Customer Care, but since that site is spotty they have been made available here as well.

Here you will find manuals for some CD-i player models in Portable Document Format, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print them.

Consumer CD-i Players (see note)
Manual Shell Remote DV
CDI 200 1st Commander 22ER9141
CDI 205 1st Thumbstick 22ER9141
CDI 210/40 2nd Commander 22ER9956
CDI 220/60 2nd Commander 22ER9956
CDI 450/550 2nd Wired 22ER9956
CDI 490 2nd Commander 22ER9956
CDI 740 2nd Commander installed
FW380i 2nd Wired 22ER9956
21TCDI30 2nd Commander installed

Portable CD-i Players
CDI 350
CDI 360

Professional CD-i Players
CDI 605
CDI 605T
CDI 615
CDI 660/670

Non-Philips CD-i Players
Sony IVO-V11 (also suitable for IVO-N7)
DVS VE-200 (similar to LG GDI 700)

Note on consumer CD-i players

There were different editions of some CD-i player models, for example with different connectors (i.e. SCART for some European releases or Antenna in/out connections for some US models), different Digital Video cartridges and most importantly: different versions of the player shell.

Since only the manuals for a limited number of CD-i player versions are available in digital format, we provide you with a list of all player versions and an indication to which manual is most suitable for this particular player.

  • Remember that there still might be regional differences, especially in relation to the connection to a power source and connecting to a TV (SCART, CVBS, antenna, etc.).
  • Please apply Philips' version indication method to the version number to find manuals for localized versions (i.e. add /05 for UK and /17 for US)

    Version Shell Remote Digital Video Best suitable manual
    CDI 205/00 1st Thumbstick 9141 CDI 205
    CDI 200 1st Commander 9141 CDI 200
    CDI 210/00 1st Commander 9141 CDI 205
    CDI 210/20 1st Commander 9141 CDI 205
    CDI 210/40 2nd Commander 9956 CDI 210/40
    CDI 210/60 2nd Commander installed CDI 210/40
    CDI 220/00 1st Thumbstick 9141 CDI 205
    CDI 220/20 2nd Commander 9141 CDI 205 CDI 220/60
    CDI 220/40 2nd Commander 9141 CDI 205 CDI 220/60
    CDI 220/60 2nd Commander 9956 CDI 220/60
    CDI 220/80 2nd Commander installed CDI 220/60
    CDI 450/00 2nd Wired 9956 CDI 450/550
    CDI 470/00 2nd Commander 9956 CDI 490
    CDI 470/20 2nd Commander installed CDI 490
    CDI 490/00 2nd Commander installed CDI 490
    CDI 550/00 2nd Wired installed CDI 450/550
    CDI 740/00 2nd Commander installed CDI 740
    CDI 910 1st Thumbstick 9141 CDI 205/00
    FW380i/00 2nd Wired 9956 FW380i
    FW380i/20 2nd Wired installed FW380i
    21TCDI30 2nd Commander installed 21TCDI30

    Note for CDI 220/20 and CDI 220/40: You may have to combine information about the Digital Video cartridge from the CDI 205 manual and information about the player shell from the CDI 220/60 manual.
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